
- 200 g of rice ORIENTE Extra Long
- 200 g legumes (beans, chickpeas)
- chicken meat q.b
- Beef (preferably from the leg), or veal q.b
- 200 g of chorizo
- 400 gr. pork leg
- 1 pork ear
- 4 medium potatoes
- 6 turnips
- 6 carrots
- 1 white cabbage
- 300 gr. bunch of cabbage
- 2 onions
- water
- parsley (to taste)
- pepper (to taste)
- Salt (to taste)
The night before, soak the vegetables.
After draining, put the beans and chickpeas in the pressure cooker with the pepper, cover with water and cook for 15 minutes, on low heat, after the pressure cooker starts to press.
While the vegetables are cooking, place the pork leg, the ear and the beef in a large pot, season, cover with water and bring to a boil. Then, lower the heat and add the onion. Let it all cook for an hour and a half and remove half a liter of broth to reserve.
In the same pan, add the drained vegetables and cook for another 30 minutes, keeping an eye on the amount of water so that everything is covered.
The chorizo is cooked separately and then placed in the general pan, along with the chicken pieces, the cut potato, the turnip and the carrot. Let it cook on low heat for another 30 minutes.
Then add the bunch and white cabbage. Cover and cook for another 15 minutes on a very low heat.
With the reserved broth, the rice is made.
Finally, place the meat, beans and chickpeas on a platter, and the vegetables around them with parsley on top. The rice is served in a separate dish.
You can pour a little of the cooking liquid over the vegetables, and the rice can finish cooking in the oven. Any of these suggestions improves the flavor of the dish.